Digging hole for the base preform (left), lining up base with plump lines from tower bracket (right).
Base leveled and aligned (left), taking a break between mixing (16) 65# bags of redi-mix concrete (right).
Exterior view of house bracket mounting (left), and bracing added in attic to support house bracket (right).
Pre-assembling 6 meter yagi on ground (left), routing feedlines through ham shack wall (right).
Who needs a gin pole when you've got a friend with one of these?
Removing old antennas at 30' level (left), vidcap of new ones being installed at 45' level (right).
2 views of completed installation of 6 and 2 meter yagis, and 2m/70cm dual-band vertical.
View of newly added 432 yagi (left), and temperature during January 2003 installation (right).
Installation of 45 element loop yagi for 23 cm band (1296 Mhz).
Re-aligning 2m beam after high winds moved boom (left), straightening elements on 1296 Mhz loop yagi (right).